July 03, 2012

IDCNY Nest Update

The mother from the IDCNY nest in Long Island City was found grounded and in distress this past Thursday (6/28). Animal Control of Queens caught her and brought her too Bobby and Cathy for rehabilitation. She passed away from an unknown illness this weekend and will be sent to a state lab for a necropsy. Her son, the fledgling that fledged prematurely is doing well in rehab and is set to be released soon.

This nest is located in one of the worst spots I have ever seen hawks choice to raise their young. There is very little green space in this industrial wasteland, and car and train traffic from the street and train yard below were a constant worry for me as I wondered how difficult it was going to be for this young hawk to fledge and stay out of harm's way. Thankfully caring people were there to watch him on a regular basis and his failed attempt to fledge was noticed and he received the help he needed. Thanks to Susan Houston and Dr. Reed at Laguardia Community College for keeping track of the hawks and being there in their time of need.


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