September 08, 2009

Probable Sighting of the Woodside Father

I was riding my bike around Woodside when I spotted this adult red-tail  perched atop a lamppost. He was hunting pigeons in park across the street. It's a small park, but contains a large pigeon and rat population. He stayed their perched for at least 40 minutes, and attracted a small crowd. The 7 train rumbled in the background, but this bird was not disturbed at all.  I believe this bird to be the father of the Woodside Projects fledgling. I saw him several times last year before he disappeared in December. He returned in March with a female, and began to build a nest on a fire escape about 2 blocks from where I live. The tenants tossed away the branches from the fire escape, and the Hawks moved on, presumably a 1/4 mile north to the Woodside Projects. I haven't seen this male in my area till a few weeks ago when his offspring fledged. Saturday and Sunday morning I was awakened by the sounds of a Hawk fledgling, so if this adult bird is from Woodside Projects, he has now attracted his offspring to the area.
Rehabilitator Bobby Horvath was featured in another Daily News article. To read the article click here.

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